- /Portals/23/ParishData/Id301/Uploads/Type1/

[To Parent Directory]

6/6/2024 4:40 PM 1407589 10th Ordinary 9.6.24.pdf
6/10/2021 2:21 PM 1232439 11th Ordinary 13.6.21.pdf
6/13/2024 1:45 PM 1340940 11th Ordinary 16.6.24.pdf
6/17/2021 4:25 PM 1312176 12th Ordinary 20.6.21.pdf
6/20/2024 2:59 PM 1538828 12th Ordinary 23.6.24.pdf
6/23/2022 1:56 PM 1736002 13th Ordinary 26.6.22.pdf
6/24/2021 4:20 PM 1423037 13th Ordinary 27.6.21.pdf
6/27/2024 1:16 PM 1573941 13th Ordinary 30.6.24.pdf
7/1/2021 4:35 PM 1318776 14 & 15 Ordinary 4 & 11.7.21.pdf
7/6/2023 3:03 PM 1127251 14 & 15 Ordinary 9 & 16.7.23.pdf
7/4/2024 4:10 PM 1133474 14th & 15th Ordinary 7 & 14.7.24.pdf
7/21/2022 2:11 PM 1612147 14th Sunday 3.7.22.pdf
7/21/2022 2:12 PM 1506837 15 & 16 Sunday 10 & 17.7.22.pdf
7/20/2023 3:58 PM 1244153 16 & 17 Ordinary 23 & 30.7.23.pdf
7/29/2021 3:07 PM 1349726 16th Ordinary 18.7.21.pdf
7/25/2024 1:29 PM 1416347 16th Ordinary 21.7.24.pdf
5/19/2017 2:49 PM 666406 170521_Bulletin.pdf
6/1/2017 8:23 PM 776540 170604_Bulletin.pdf
6/8/2017 12:05 PM 652775 170611_Bulletin.pdf
6/15/2017 12:22 PM 683916 170618_Bulletin.pdf
6/24/2017 10:12 AM 705728 170625_Bulletin.pdf
6/30/2017 1:32 PM 790390 170702_Bulletin.pdf
7/6/2017 1:06 PM 737124 170709_Buletin.pdf
7/13/2017 2:07 PM 707534 170716_Bulletin.pdf
7/20/2017 3:59 PM 211094 170723_Bulletin.pdf
7/27/2017 3:20 PM 705010 170730_Bulletin.pdf
8/4/2017 12:54 PM 782365 170803_Bulletin.pdf
8/17/2017 2:22 PM 1335898 170820_Bulletin.pdf
8/24/2017 3:37 PM 1352073 170827_Bulletin.pdf
9/1/2017 11:22 AM 1292902 170903_Bulletin.pdf
9/7/2017 12:31 PM 1396412 170910_Bulletin.pdf
9/14/2017 4:29 PM 1433595 170917_Bulletin.pdf
9/21/2017 1:04 PM 1333262 170924_Bulletin.pdf
10/5/2017 4:20 PM 715077 171001_Bulletin.pdf
10/5/2017 4:21 PM 684573 171008_Bulletin.pdf
10/12/2017 5:49 PM 1396376 171015_Bulletin.pdf
10/19/2017 7:56 PM 1199842 171022_Bulletin.pdf
10/26/2017 4:01 PM 1248822 171029_Bulletin.pdf
11/16/2017 11:35 AM 1270988 171105_Bulletin.pdf
11/9/2017 1:22 PM 1190515 171112_Bulletin.pdf
11/16/2017 11:35 AM 1551192 171119_Bulletin.pdf
11/24/2017 11:41 AM 1282229 171126_Bulletin.pdf
11/30/2017 3:23 PM 1258942 171203_Bulletin.pdf
12/7/2017 4:41 PM 1186594 171210_Bulletin.pdf
12/14/2017 2:31 PM 1228393 171217_Bulletin.pdf
12/21/2017 2:35 PM 1250544 171224_Bulletin.pdf
1/30/2018 11:32 AM 1440207 171231_Bulletin.pdf
7/29/2021 3:09 PM 966258 17th Ordinary 25.7.21.pdf
7/25/2024 1:30 PM 1250726 17th Ordinary 28.7.24.pdf
7/21/2022 2:13 PM 1586010 17th Sunday 24.7.22.pdf
2/9/2018 8:19 AM 1512220 180211_Bulletin.pdf
2/15/2018 4:06 PM 1603108 180218_Bulletin.pdf
2/22/2018 2:52 PM 1612795 180225_Bulletin.pdf
3/2/2018 5:44 PM 1532019 180304_Bulletin.pdf
3/15/2018 3:46 PM 1585621 180318_Bulletin.pdf
3/22/2018 7:32 PM 1905574 180325_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
4/5/2018 9:10 PM 2406631 180408_Bulletin.pdf
4/12/2018 5:45 PM 1718561 180415_Bega.pdf
4/19/2018 3:12 PM 1358504 180422_Bulletin.pdf
4/26/2018 9:33 PM 1262934 180429_Bulletin.pdf
5/4/2018 4:21 PM 1452495 180506_Bulletin.pdf
5/10/2018 4:02 PM 1592763 180513_Bulletin.pdf
5/17/2018 3:32 PM 1308639 180520_Bulletin.pdf
5/24/2018 2:59 PM 1490158 180527_Bulletin.pdf
6/7/2018 8:06 PM 1132547 180610_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
6/15/2018 3:21 PM 1217917 180617_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
6/22/2018 9:51 AM 1167647 180624_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
6/28/2018 3:10 PM 1304017 180701_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
7/6/2018 9:46 AM 1215128 180708_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
7/10/2018 5:36 PM 1245716 180715_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
7/19/2018 5:18 PM 1131181 180722_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
7/26/2018 3:42 PM 1310413 180729_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
8/3/2018 8:32 PM 1172877 180805_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
8/9/2018 3:34 PM 1287571 180812_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
8/16/2018 3:37 PM 1351821 180819_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
8/23/2018 1:30 PM 1463756 180826_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
8/31/2018 9:16 AM 1463359 180902_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
9/7/2018 10:21 AM 1550656 180909_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
9/13/2018 2:41 PM 2219608 180916_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
9/27/2018 5:05 PM 1452213 180930_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
10/4/2018 1:58 PM 1267887 181007_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
10/18/2018 5:14 PM 1219528 181021_Buletin_Bega.pdf
10/25/2018 3:01 PM 1189974 181028_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
11/3/2018 6:38 AM 1244025 181104_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
11/8/2018 3:08 PM 1322965 181111_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
11/15/2018 1:50 PM 1303785 181118_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
12/15/2018 8:48 AM 1494909 181216_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
12/20/2018 4:17 PM 1536895 181223_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
12/27/2018 5:51 PM 1803691 181230_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
7/29/2021 3:10 PM 772877 18th Ordinary 1.8.21.pdf
8/1/2024 1:54 PM 1310890 18th Ordinary 4.8.24.pdf
7/28/2022 12:25 PM 1687167 18th Sunday 31.7.22.pdf
2/15/2019 9:58 AM 1445239 190217_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
3/1/2019 10:39 AM 1787468 190303_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
3/9/2019 9:51 AM 1861669 190310_Bulletin_Bega.pdf
3/22/2019 7:58 PM 2840705 190324_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
4/4/2019 7:00 PM 1715859 190407_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
5/17/2019 10:05 AM 1486674 190519_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
5/23/2019 2:36 PM 1339633 190526_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
5/31/2019 7:41 PM 1246854 190602_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
6/7/2019 11:03 AM 1535056 190609_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
6/13/2019 2:10 PM 1270101 190616_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
7/4/2019 5:53 PM 1335620 190707_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
7/11/2019 7:07 PM 1287220 190714_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
7/18/2019 4:50 PM 1402779 190721_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
7/26/2019 3:53 PM 1426207 190728_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
8/2/2019 8:41 AM 1771686 190804_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
8/8/2019 6:32 PM 1412351 190811_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
8/22/2019 5:02 PM 1395120 190825_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
8/31/2019 8:27 AM 1495175 190901_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
9/6/2019 9:58 AM 1655443 190908_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
9/19/2019 5:43 PM 1773000 190922_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
9/26/2019 8:23 PM 1600647 190929_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
10/3/2019 4:19 PM 1808468 191006_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
10/10/2019 1:25 PM 1849505 191013_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
10/17/2019 5:22 PM 1786998 191020_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
10/25/2019 10:31 AM 1325674 191027_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
10/31/2019 5:32 PM 1574834 191103_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
11/7/2019 2:35 PM 1379972 191110_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
11/14/2019 5:46 PM 1399104 191117_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
11/22/2019 12:25 PM 1899853 191124_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
11/29/2019 8:57 AM 1773650 191201_Bega_Bulletin1.pdf
12/12/2019 3:49 PM 1316332 191215_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
12/19/2019 2:44 PM 1619295 191222_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
8/8/2024 2:21 PM 1588689 19th Ordinary 11.8.24.pdf
8/10/2023 3:01 PM 1611175 19th Sunday 13.8.23.pdf
8/4/2022 12:47 PM 1397782 19th Sunday 7.8.22.pdf
12/5/2024 1:14 PM 1928348 1st Advent 1.12.24.pdf
11/24/2022 2:28 PM 1525872 1st Advent 26.11.22.pdf
12/2/2021 2:47 PM 1398526 1st Advent 28.11.21.pdf
2/15/2024 12:58 PM 1824765 1st Lent 18.2.24.pdf
2/23/2023 2:18 PM 1586956 1st Lent 26.2.23.pdf
3/10/2022 2:58 PM 1882366 1st Lent 6.3.22.pdf
1/30/2020 4:14 PM 1324760 200202_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
2/6/2020 3:17 PM 1345735 200209_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
2/13/2020 1:21 PM 1312086 200216_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
2/20/2020 1:28 PM 1408999 200223_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
2/27/2020 5:07 PM 1387415 200301_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
3/5/2020 1:36 PM 1718174 200308_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
3/12/2020 7:29 PM 1650150 200315_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
3/19/2020 2:00 PM 1691946 200322_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
3/26/2020 2:58 PM 1361491 200329_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
4/2/2020 3:41 PM 1880277 200405_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
4/9/2020 8:07 PM 1614179 200412_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
4/16/2020 6:48 PM 1547213 200419_Bega_Buletin.pdf
4/27/2020 9:32 AM 1262564 200426_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
4/30/2020 2:50 PM 1860298 200503_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
5/8/2020 10:39 AM 1276164 200510_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
5/14/2020 5:28 PM 1361688 200517_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
5/22/2020 12:43 PM 1428664 200522_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
5/29/2020 9:23 AM 1520879 200531_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
6/5/2020 5:13 PM 1284553 200607_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
6/11/2020 5:15 PM 1640404 200614_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
6/18/2020 2:18 PM 1125161 200621_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
6/25/2020 8:30 PM 1555503 200628-Bega_Bulletin.pdf
7/3/2020 9:56 AM 1334390 200705_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
7/17/2020 9:11 AM 1381569 200712_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
7/17/2020 9:24 AM 1970367 200719_Bega_Bulletin.pdf
7/24/2020 8:35 PM 1296492 200726_Bulletin.pdf
7/30/2020 3:41 PM 1795762 200802_Bulletin.pdf
8/7/2020 2:57 PM 1965396 200809_Bulletin.pdf
8/14/2020 9:58 AM 1713502 200816_Bulletin.pdf
8/20/2020 4:36 PM 1622475 200823_Bulletin.pdf
8/28/2020 2:37 PM 1782265 200830_Bulletin.pdf
9/4/2020 10:10 AM 2019341 200906_Bulletin.pdf
9/11/2020 11:05 AM 1403907 200913_Bulletin.pdf
9/18/2020 10:03 AM 2008076 200920_Bulletin.pdf
9/25/2020 12:33 PM 1555487 200927_Bulletin.pdf
10/8/2020 2:28 PM 1735882 201011_Bulletin.pdf
10/16/2020 12:16 PM 1626149 201018_Bulletin.pdf
10/23/2020 12:17 PM 1301430 201025_Bulletin.pdf
10/29/2020 3:59 PM 1484432 201101_Bulletin.pdf
11/15/2020 9:48 AM 1470849 201115_Bulletin.pdf
11/19/2020 2:52 PM 1539533 201122_Bulletin.pdf
11/27/2020 3:55 PM 1195387 201129_Bulletin.pdf
12/4/2020 2:59 PM 1171633 201206_Bulletin.pdf
12/10/2020 1:37 PM 1347753 201213_Bulletin.pdf
8/15/2024 2:24 PM 1495731 20th Ordinary 18.8.24.pdf
8/11/2022 1:03 PM 1408973 20th Sunday 14.8.22.pdf
8/17/2023 2:58 PM 1429502 20th Sunday 20.8.23.pdf
2/4/2021 4:25 PM 1206712 210107_Bulletin.pdf
2/19/2021 8:21 AM 1847719 210221_Bulletin.pdf
2/25/2021 5:56 PM 1378117 210228_Bulletin.pdf
3/5/2021 11:11 AM 1862610 210307_Bulletin.pdf
3/11/2021 3:00 PM 1404836 210314_Bulletin.pdf
3/18/2021 3:09 PM 1383238 210321_Bulletin.pdf
3/25/2021 8:48 PM 1456588 210328_Bulletin.pdf
4/1/2021 5:29 PM 1390438 210404_Bulletin.pdf
4/8/2021 7:44 PM 1234861 210411_Bulletin.pdf
4/15/2021 4:30 PM 1222365 210418_Bulletin.pdf
8/19/2021 3:29 PM 1608103 21st Ordinary 22.8.21.pdf
8/22/2024 3:06 PM 1445961 21st Ordinary 25.8.24.pdf
8/18/2022 2:13 PM 1457382 21st Sunday 21.8.22.pdf
8/24/2023 2:02 PM 1628850 21st Sunday 27.8.23.pdf
8/31/2023 4:19 PM 1204794 22 & 23 Ordinary 3 & 10.9.23.pdf
9/5/2024 2:50 PM 1712462 22nd Ordinary 1.9.24.pdf
8/26/2021 4:16 PM 1582507 22nd Ordinary 29.8.21.pdf
8/25/2022 2:15 PM 1449782 22nd Sunday 28.8.22.pdf
9/2/2021 3:38 PM 1596241 23rd Ordinary 5.9.21.pdf
9/5/2024 2:51 PM 1628087 23rd Ordinary 8.9.24.pdf
9/15/2022 3:43 PM 1816794 23rd Sunday 4.9.22.pdf
9/16/2021 7:06 PM 1775460 24th Ordinary 12.9.21.pdf
9/12/2024 2:24 PM 1478874 24th ordinary 15.9.24.pdf
9/14/2023 4:04 PM 1619240 24th Sunday 17.9.23.pdf
9/16/2021 7:07 PM 1846793 25th Ordinary 19.9.21.pdf
9/19/2024 1:44 PM 1465791 25th Ordinary 22.9.24.pdf
9/15/2022 3:45 PM 1719315 25th Sunday 18.9.22.pdf
9/26/2023 4:35 PM 1378415 25th Sunday 24.9.23.pdf
9/26/2023 4:36 PM 1383844 26th & 27th Sundays 1st & 8.10.23.pdf
9/23/2021 3:53 PM 1374711 26th Ordinary 26.9.21.pdf
9/26/2024 2:30 PM 1903145 26th Ordinary 29.9.24.pdf
9/22/2022 12:15 PM 1422244 26th Sunday 25.9.22.pdf
9/29/2022 3:13 PM 1687939 27 & 28 Sunday 2 & 9.10.22.pdf
10/1/2021 3:59 PM 1365696 27th Ordinary 3.10.21.pdf
10/3/2024 3:57 PM 1418186 27th Ordinary 6.10.24.pdf
10/7/2021 2:03 PM 1519386 28th Ordinary 10.10.21.pdf
10/9/2024 6:04 PM 430664 28th Ordinary 13.10.24.pdf
10/12/2023 3:32 PM 1576798 28th Sunday 15.10.23.pdf
12/24/2024 3:28 PM 2623467 29th December 2024 to 26th January 2025.pdf
10/14/2021 1:49 PM 1275528 29th Ordinary 17.10.21.pdf
10/17/2024 7:22 PM 779526 29th Ordinary 20.9.24.pdf
10/13/2022 2:07 PM 1487898 29th Sunday 16.10.22.pdf
10/19/2023 1:11 PM 2315014 29th Sunday 22.10.23.pdf
4/13/2023 3:57 PM 1446657 2nd & 3rd Easter 16 & 23.4.23.pdf
12/7/2023 2:06 PM 1498761 2nd Advent 10.12.23.pdf
12/8/2022 1:04 PM 1637169 2nd Advent 4.12.22.pdf
12/2/2021 2:48 PM 1480175 2nd Advent 5.12.21.pdf
12/5/2024 1:14 PM 1956206 2nd Advent 8.12.24.pdf
3/10/2022 2:58 PM 1980279 2nd Lent 13.3.22.pdf
2/22/2024 2:15 PM 1684463 2nd Lent 25.2.24.pdf
3/2/2023 12:35 PM 1475928 2nd Lent 5.3.23.pdf
5/2/2024 2:28 PM 1349974 3 & 4 Easter 14 & 21.4.24.pdf
10/21/2021 1:24 PM 1365348 30th Ordinary 24.10.21.pdf
10/24/2024 3:58 PM 1448170 30th Ordinary 27.10.24.pdf
10/20/2022 2:34 PM 1486498 30th Sunday 23.10.22.pdf
10/26/2023 1:49 PM 1720287 30th Sunday 29.10.23.pdf
10/31/2024 12:14 PM 1619643 31st Ordinary 3.11.24.pdf
10/28/2021 12:49 PM 1376735 31st Ordinary 31.10.21.pdf
10/27/2022 1:12 PM 1472255 31st Sunday 30.10.22.pdf
11/2/2023 1:44 PM 1388350 31st Sunday 5.11.23.pdf
11/7/2024 1:13 PM 1593065 32nd Ordinary 10.11.24.pdf
11/3/2022 1:12 PM 1441910 32nd Ordinary 6.11.22.pdf
11/9/2023 1:42 PM 1425743 32nd Sunday 12.11.23.pdf
11/4/2021 2:32 PM 1378780 32nd Sunday 7.11.21.pdf
11/14/2024 12:51 PM 2085216 33rd Ordinary 17.11.24.pdf
11/10/2022 12:48 PM 2208763 33rd Sunday 13.11.22.pdf
11/11/2021 1:32 PM 1488463 33rd Sunday 14.11.21.pdf
11/16/2023 4:29 PM 2269357 33rd Sunday 19.11.23.pdf
12/8/2022 1:05 PM 1343711 3rd advent 11.12.22.pdf
12/9/2021 2:59 PM 1398881 3rd Advent 12.12.21.pdf
12/12/2024 2:41 PM 2062173 3rd Advent 15.12.24.pdf
12/14/2023 1:40 PM 1567575 3rd Advent 17.12.23.pdf
4/28/2022 4:23 PM 1383599 3rd Easter 1.5.22.pdf
3/9/2023 2:55 PM 684327 3rd Lent 12.3.23.pdf
3/17/2022 4:04 PM 1618906 3rd Lent 20.3.22.pdf
2/29/2024 1:50 PM 1483659 3rd Lent 3.3.24.pdf
4/27/2023 2:48 PM 1205012 4th & 5th Easter 30.4 to 7.5.23.pdf
12/15/2022 1:52 PM 1318921 4th Advent 18.12.22.pdf
12/16/2021 2:23 PM 1505034 4th Advent 19.12.21.pdf
12/19/2024 1:36 PM 2069765 4th Advent 22.12.24.pdf
1/5/2024 10:36 AM 1504295 4th Advent 24.12.23.pdf
4/22/2021 3:14 PM 1326950 4th Easter 25.4.21.pdf
5/5/2022 2:25 PM 1459355 4th Easter 8.5.22.pdf
3/7/2024 1:28 PM 1738218 4th Lent 10.3.24.pdf
3/16/2023 2:34 PM 1445813 4th Lent 19.3.23.pdf
3/24/2022 2:01 PM 1698135 4th lent 27.3.22.pdf
3/14/2024 3:49 PM 1423588 5 & 6 Lent 17 & 24.3.24.pdf
5/2/2024 2:29 PM 1281515 5 Easter 28.4.24.pdf
5/12/2022 3:16 PM 1288724 5th Easter 15.5.22.pdf
4/29/2021 4:49 PM 1444070 5th Easter 2.5.21.pdf
3/23/2023 2:55 PM 1624770 5th Lent
3/31/2022 1:43 PM 1743989 5th Lent 3.4.22.pdf
2/1/2024 1:11 PM 1603896 5th Ordinary 4.2.24.pdf
2/2/2023 1:25 PM 1609281 5th Ordinary 5.2.23.pdf
2/3/2022 1:12 PM 1591508 5th Ordinary 6.2.22.pdf
2/6/2025 2:23 PM 2155638 5th Ordinary 9.2.25.pdf
5/2/2024 2:29 PM 1333141 6 Easter 5.5.24.pdf
5/11/2023 12:57 PM 1076267 6th Easter & Ascension 14 & 21.5.23.pdf
5/19/2022 3:29 PM 1973181 6th Easter 22.5.22.pdf
5/8/2021 8:59 AM 1398328 6th Easter 9.5.21.pdf
2/8/2024 12:57 PM 1670829 6th Ordinary 11.2.24.pdf
2/9/2023 1:56 PM 1566907 6th Ordinary 12.2.23.pdf
2/10/2022 1:32 PM 1408655 6th Ordinary 13.2.22.pdf
2/20/2025 1:46 PM 2346528 6th Ordinary 16.2.25.pdf
2/16/2023 1:45 PM 1588628 7th Ordinary 19.2.23.pdf
2/17/2022 4:12 PM 1681188 7th Ordinary 20.2.22.pdf
2/20/2025 1:48 PM 1958291 7th Ordinary 23.2.25.pdf
2/25/2022 2:07 PM 1749815 8th Ordinary 27.2.22.pdf
5/9/2024 3:23 PM 1787185 Ascension 12.5.24.pdf
5/13/2021 4:03 PM 1333639 Ascension 16.5.21.pdf
8/19/2021 3:28 PM 774678 Assumption 15.8.21.pdf
6/15/2023 12:36 PM 1615874 Body and Blood & 11 Ordinary 11 & 18.6.23.pdf
11/17/2022 1:51 PM 2362568 Christ the King 20.11.22.pdf
11/18/2021 2:04 PM 1823631 Christ the King 21.11.21.pdf
11/21/2024 1:05 PM 1915156 Christ the King 24.11.24.pdf
11/23/2023 2:13 PM 1520229 Christ the King 26.11.23.pdf
12/22/2022 1:50 PM 1729820 Christmas 25.12.22.pdf
1/5/2024 10:36 AM 1024559 Christmas 25.12.23.pdf
12/24/2024 3:27 PM 1151873 Christmas.pdf
6/16/2022 2:21 PM 2161279 Corpus Christi 19.6.22.pdf
5/30/2024 3:37 PM 1913462 Corpus Christi 2.6.24.pdf
6/3/2021 2:00 PM 2073584 Corpus Christi 6.6.21.pdf
4/14/2022 4:14 PM 1604632 Easter 17.4.22.pdf
5/2/2024 2:27 PM 1217823 Easter 31.3 & 7.4.24.pdf
4/13/2023 3:56 PM 1606901 Easter Sunday 9.4.23.pdf
1/5/2023 10:54 AM 2012156 January 2023.pdf
1/5/2024 10:40 AM 1807136 January 2024.pdf
8/10/2021 11:09 AM 699665 Mary MacKillop 8.8.21.pdf
4/7/2022 4:54 PM 1615024 Palm Sunday 10.4.22.pdf
3/30/2023 3:28 PM 1626304 Palm Sunday 2.4.23.pdf
5/16/2024 4:13 PM 1355647 Pentecost 19.5.24.pdf
5/20/2021 4:32 PM 1320622 Pentecost 23.5.21.pdf
5/25/2023 1:28 PM 1451132 Pentecost 28.5.23.pdf
6/2/2022 2:29 PM 2189479 Pentecost 5.6.22.pdf
1/30/2025 3:18 PM 2020230 Presentation of the Lord 2.2.25.pdf
8/3/2023 2:59 PM 1387934 Transfiguration 6.8.23.pdf
5/30/2024 3:36 PM 1441862 Trinity 26.5.24.pdf
6/3/2021 1:59 PM 1828037 Trinity 30.5.21.pdf
6/1/2023 2:56 PM 1392999 Trinity 4.6.23.pdf