St Mary's Parish, Young, Catholic, Church, Catholic Church, Parish, Young Catholic Church, Young Parish
St Mary's Parish, Young
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St Mary's Parish, Young
P.O. Box 6, YOUNG NSW 2594
Campbell Street, YOUNG NSW 2594
Fr Jiss Sunny MS
(02) 6382 2222
Tuesday to Thursday 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Parish Newsletters

20 October 2024

Parish Bulletin

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13 October 2024

Parish Bulletin

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6 October 2024

Parish Bulletin

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29 September 2024

Parish Bulletin

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Parish History

St Mary's Parish, Young

History of Young

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Welcome to St Mary's Parish, Young

Mass is available on the Catholic Voice website online.

You can watch this anytime at a time that suits you best.

Please visit:


Parish Priest  - Fr Jiss Sunny MS

Deacon Mark Ha


Parish Bulletin - The deadline for contributions to the Parish Bulletin is 1.30pm on Wednesday.   

Contact - Cath McDonald 02 6382-2222




Reconciliation   -   Young           -         Saturday from 5.00pm to 5.30pm (2nd & 4th Saturday)

Mass            -    Young          -         Saturday at 6.00pm

Mass      -    Young           -        Sunday at 10.00am

Mass      -    Boorowa      -  Sunday at 5.00pm

Mass       -    Grenfell        -  Sunday at 8.00am (2nd & 4th Sun) 

For Grenfell, there will be a Celebration of the Word with Holy Communion, also at 8.00am on the 1st & 3rd Sunday and any 5th Sunday.



Please contact the Parish Office first for all Funeral enquiries 


Please contact the Parish Office first for all Baptism enquiries  


By appointment with at least six months notice required

SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD – 1st JANUARY - Prayers and Petitions



Heavenly Father,

We praise and thank you for your loving presence, especially in the Lent/Easter season.

We offer heartfelt thanks, dear Lord, particularly for our recent rains.

Once again, we come to you in our need. As your children we are in need of your healing and protection.

Just as we have been recovering from our dangerous bushfire summer, we have now been thrown into a fearful coronavirus (COVID 19) autumn.

We are tired and frightened. We feel a sense of panic and future uncertainty on a global scale.

Be with us now, Loving Master. Without you all is nothing – only empty hearts and a total reliance on our own feeble resources.

But with you “there is mercy and fullness of Redemption” (Psalm 130/7). With you there is “the loving mercy of the heart of our God (who) will give light to those who sit in darkness, those who dwell in the shadow of death, and guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1/79).

It seems that so many public gatherings are now postponed or cancelled. There is virus death, the sick, and the anxious. We are spending more time on our own, or with family or friends.

We pray for the sick and those looking after them. Help us to offer practical help to those who struggle.

Let us use these times, O Lord, for your greater glory, especially during Lent and Easter. Let us pray more, and truly listen to you more in loving silence, stillness and simplicity.

Almighty Father, you always journey with us in life’s challenges.

Help us to meet you often in the scriptures and our sacraments.

Increase in us faith, hope and trust.

Protect us from this coronavirus. Remove it from our common home. Heal those who are sick and dying.

Mary, Help of Christians, as always we fly to you in our need. Be close to us and point out your Son, Jesus, to us in this pandemic. St Therese of Lisieux and her parents, Saints Louis and Zelie Martin, pray for us.

We make this and all our prayers through Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever, AMEN.


(Please use this prayer for Spiritual Communion)


My Jesus, I believe that You are
present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself
wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.



All volunteers working with our children (i.e. Acolyte/Senior Server/Children’s Liturgy, Catechists or Eucharistic Ministers) must have a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC).

If your WWCC has expired, or you haven’t had one, please address this as a priority.

(Just google Working with Children Check NSW).

If you do have a current WWCC, please ensure Cath at the Parish office has your WWCC numbers asap.

Your date of birth will also be required. 

IN ADDITION - All Parish volunteers, regardless of whether they work with children, are to read the Archdiocesan Child Protection Code of Conduct, then sign and return the acknowledgment form.

This should be done as soon as possible.

More information is available from the following link:

(Alternatively, if you don’t have access to a computer, you can read the Code of Conduct form located on the back bench of the church and then sign the Acknowledgement  form and return it to the office while you are near the church).

Upcoming Events


(For the gift of rain, for people affected by drought, for support services)

 Eternal God, in wisdom and love you created our earth to sustain us and give us life.

We turn to you now in faith, hope and love, asking you to look with favour on our drought-stricken land, on our starving animals, on our failing crops.

Strengthen, sustain and give new heart to our farmers and to all who are affected by drought; be with those who support them.

In your loving providence, send abundant rain and restore our parched earth.

Father of all compassion, hear our prayer through Jesus Christ your Son, in whom the promise of new life has dawned, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord the giver of life: Renew your faithful people; Renew the face of the earth.

Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Mary, help of Christians - Pray for us.

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop - Pray for us.

St Mary's Parish
Campbell Street, Young NSW 2594
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