Coeliac Disease is a condition that effects over 1% of the Australian population and this parish understands the hardships that this can bring to those who suffer from this disease. Low gluten hosts are consecrated at each Sunday Mass, or at a previous Mass, and will be distributed by Father Hilary. Should you want such a host, do approach him at communion and ask for a Low Gluten Host as you receive Communion.
-- First and Second Collection --
To make a BPOINT payment, please click here. To make a contribution to the First Collection (for all the Priests in the Archdiocese), regardless of the Parish you are in:
A/c Name: Central Presbytery Fund
BSB: 062 786
A/c No: 000 292 48
Reference: Your Town and your Surname.
To make a contribution to the West Wyalong Second Collection (for your Parish):
A/c Name: St Mary's Parish - West Wyalong Church
BSB: 062 786
A/c No: 000 150 72
Reference: Your Surname.
To make a contribution to the Lake Cargelligo Second Collection (for your Parish):
A/c Name: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Lake Cargelligo
BSB: 062 786
A/c No: 000 293 39
Reference: Your Surname.
To make a contribution to the Ungarie Second Collection (for your Parish):
A/c Name: St Joseph's Parish - Ungarie Church
BSB: 062 786
A/c No: 000 150 56
Reference: Your Surname.