Canberra Inner North Catholic Community
Blackfriars / Holy Rosary Watson
Under the Care of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers
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Cnr Phillip Ave & Antill St Watson ACT 2602
PO Box 900 Dickson ACT 2602
Fr Renoir Oliver SSS, Fr Anthony Riosa SSS, Fr Sebastian Luistro SSS
0416 823 447
Please call or email anytime.

Parish Groups

Parish Caring Services

No items.

Church and Grounds Care and Maintenance

Building & Grounds Committee
Chris Webb
The Building & Grounds Committee is responsible to the Parish Pastoral Council for:
* Preparation of Occupational Health & Safety issues relating to the operation and use of Parish facilities
* Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures for the operation ad use of Parish facilities
* Recommending proposed works and associated budgets for the safe operations and short and long term maintenance of Parish assets
* Organising and managing projects approved by the Parish Pastoral Council relating to the safe operations, maintenance and rehabilitation of Parish facilities.

Parish Facilities for Hire

No items.

Fundraising Activities

No items.

Parish Ministries

School of Religion - Catechists
Nicole Webb (Mobile: 0414 139 170)

Volunteer catechists are urgently required. Mentoring will be provided if desired.
The Parish School of Religion meets on Sundays from 9AM to 10AM, except on 'long weekends' and School Holidays
Classes will recommence on the first Sunday after the School Term resumes.
Blackfriars Meditation Group
Michael Flynn (6257 1038)
Normally meets on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm in the Parish Centre.
Meetings have recommenced every Thursday evening
Blackfriars Dominican Library
Michael Fitzgerald (6249 7026)
The library, in the parish Centre, has an extensive collection of theology texts, including a large range of works by and on Thomas Aquinas.
The Library is now open every Saturday morning from 10:30am TO Noon.
Holy Mary Mother of God Prayer Group
Contact the Parish Office for details.
Meets 2:00pm Thursdays in the Church.
Roger Paul
Mobile: 0421-612 572
Email: Roger Paul
The Alpha course is an evangelisation course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions.

Contact: Parish office or Roger Paul.
Holy Hour - Eucharistic Adoration
Every Friday from 6:00pm to 7:00pm, Holy Rosary Church
Craft Group
Refer Parish Office for details.
Meets noon to 4.00pm in the Parish Centre on the
first, second and fourth Wednesdays of the month .
St Vincent de Paul
The St Vincent de Paul Society is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.
Dominican Laity
Peter McDonald
Mobile: 0413 182 327
Dominican Laity are single and married, but share in the rich spiritual life and heritage of the Dominican order through prayer & study suited to their personal situation. They take part in a broad range of apostolates.
Pray the Rosary
Every 1st & 3rd Sunday prior to 10.00am Mass (starting about 9:40am) the Rosary will be recited. All parishioners are welcome to join in.
Emily at for further information.
The Holy Rosary Women’s Faith Circle returns on Thursdays. Please join us as we share life, break open the word, pray for and with each other.

Social Activities

No items.

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