Catholic Parish of Pambula
Interior view
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79 Main Street, Merimbula NSW 2548
Fr George Ogah
0435 036 236 or (02) 6495 0683
Wed, Thurs - 9.30am to 2.30pm

Parish Groups

Parish Caring Services

Flora Ministry
Bernadette Wood
Flora ministry aims to reach out to the lonely, lost, sick and anyone needing assistance
Care of the Sick
Fr George Ogah
Communion is taken to the sick, house bound and those in local Aged Care facilities who are unable to attend Mass.

Church and Grounds Care and Maintenance

No items.

Parish Facilities for Hire

No items.

Fundraising Activities

No items.

Parish Ministries

Parish Pastoral Council
Bernadette Wood (PPC Chair)
The PPC meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the presbytery in Merimbula. Membership of the PPC includes Fr George, Sr Marie, parishioners from each Mass centre, and Lumen Christi Catholic College.
Liturgy Committee
Sue Heffernan
The Liturgy Committee is responsible for facilitating the liturgical and spiritual life of the parish. The committee usually meets once each month.
Mothers' Prayer Group
Margaret Liston
The group meets every Monday at 9.30am in the Hospitality Room, St Peters' Pambula.
Evening Prayer
Margaret Liston
Members pray individually at a specified time each night in their own homes for those with special needs.
Mrs Margaret Liston 6495 6325
Discussion Group
Anne Maddock
Meets each Monday at St Clements Church Hall, 91 Main Street, Merimbula starting at 12.30 pm. Focus is on Bible Study, Gospel Study and Readings for Liturgical seasons.

Social Activities

Youth Group
The Youth Group is unfortunately inactive at this present time. When meeting, the activities include worship through prayer, music, reflection, games and lots of food.
If you feel that you would like to participate or lead this group please contact Fr. George
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