Crookwell Parish
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St Mary's-
Wade Street, Crookwell NSW 2583
Fr Joshy Kurien (Administrator)
040 363 1797
served by Goulburn Parish office, Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm

Parish Information


Please download & return to the Parish Office

Delete 3 - Baptism enrolment St. Mary

For Parents

Delete 3 - Baptism booking letter to parents.pdf
Sacramental Enrolment FORM

Please download & return to the Parish Office

Delete 3 - Sacramental enrolment - general all 3 Goulburn 2022  pdf.pdf
Parishioner Census Form

Please download & return to the Parish Office

Delete 3 - 210425_Census_Form.pdf

Parish Newsletters

Parish Bulletin

13 March 2022

Delete 1 - GOULBURN MISSION 2 Sun Lent  Yr C 2022.pdf
Parish Bulletin

6 March 2022

Delete 1 - GOULBURN MISSION 1 Sun Lent  Yr C 2022.pdf
Parish Bulletin

20 February 2022

Delete 1 - GOULBURN MISSION 7th Sunday Ord Time   Yr C 2021 (001).pdf
Parish Bulletin

13 February 2022

Delete 1 - GOULBURN MISSION 6th Taralga Sunday Ord Time   Yr C 2022.pdf


Planned Giving Contributions

We sincerely thank you for your generosity and caring support of our Parish. I encourage you to embrace the electronic transfer from your personal online banking if you can.

EFT details- which you set up in online banking-

1st collection- Central presbytery EFT- BSB 062 786 ACC 000029248 Ref: Cwell.+ (Surname)

2nd collection- Parish St Marys Crookwell

BSB062 786 EFT- ACC 000014901 Ref: pg+ (env no /surname) (numbers will not work at a branch )

Direct Debit- Over the counter at a bank branch

1st BSB: 062-902 Account Number: 00903419 Reference: 80152 + surname (is fine)

2nd BSB: 062-902 Account Number: 00903419 Reference: 14901 + pg no + (surname)


If you have any queries and need help please contact the Parish Office.


The Planned giving envelops can also be dropped in the mailbox attached to the parish office door.

Thank you. Fr Joshy

Upcoming Events

No events.

St Mary's Church
Wade Street, Crookwell, NSW 2583
© Copyright 2024 CG.ORG.AU