St Christopher's Cathedral Parish
(including St Peter Chanel's Church, Yarralumla)
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Parish Office, Ground floor, 55 Franklin Street Forrest ACT 2603, Australia
Most Rev. Christopher Prowse DD. STD.; Fr Trenton Van Reesch - Administrator; Fr Alexander Osborne - Assistant Priest
(02) 6239 9846
8.30am-12.15pm, 12.45pm-4.30pm Mon-Thurs. Office Closed Fri-Sun

Parish News

Archbishop's Homily - Carmelite Monastery

Thanksgiving Mass and Farewell

Delete 3 - 240824_HOMILY_FarewellCarmeliteMonastery_ Saturday24August2024_KB.docx.pdf
Archbishop's Letter VADA

A.C.T Legislation on Euthanasia June 2024

Delete 3 - Archbishop Prowse Statement_VADA.pdf
Archbishop's Letter - Dignitas Infinita

Vatican Human Dignity Declaration April 2024

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Declaration "Dignitas Infinita" on Human Dignity

9 April 2024

Delete 3 - Dignitas Infinita - Inglese .pdf

Parish Newsletters

6 October 2024

27th Sunday in Ord. Time, Yr B

Delete 1 - 27th  Sunday in Or. Time Yr B - 6 October 2024.pdf
29 September 2024

26th Sunday in Ord. Time, Yr B

Delete 1 - 26th  Sunday in Or. Time Yr B - 29 September 2024.pdf
22 September 2024

25th Sunday in Ord. Time, Yr B

Delete 1 - 25th  Sunday in Or. Time Yr B - 22 September 2024.pdf
15 September 2024

24th Sunday in Ord. Time Yr B

Delete 1 - 24th  Sunday in Or. Time Yr B - 15 September 2024.pdf


Please note the Cathedral's New Website



St. Christopher's Cathedral Parish




Saint Christopher's Cathedral

5:00pm Vigil Mass

8.00am Mass

11:00am Mass 

5:00pm Mass


St Peter Chanel's, Yarralumla

9.30am Mass




St Christopher's Cathedral

7.30am Mass (9am, Public Holidays)

12:15pm Mass

St Peter Chanel's, Yarralumla

Tuesday 5.30pm Mass


Saint Christopher's Cathedral

9:00am Mass

12:15pm Mass


St Christopher’s Cathedral

Wednesday: 11.30am—12:00 noon

Thursday: 6.00pm - 6.30pm

Saturday: 11.00am - 12 noon

St Peter Chanel's, Yarralumla

Tuesday: 6.00pm-6.30pm


Monday-Friday: 5:00-6:00pm 


Anointing of the Sick, home visitation, & support

Please contact the Parish Office, or call (02) 6239 9846



To organise or discuss the Sacrament of Baptism, please contact the Parish Office, or call (02) 6239 9846


To organise a funeral contact the Parish Office or call (02) 6239 9846


To organise a wedding contact the Parish Office or call (02) 6239 9846.


Sacramental Programs 2024

The School of Religion Sacramental programs for 2024 have been completed. Dates for 2025 are TBC 



Family Mass at St. Peter Chanel

All families are invited to 9.30am mass on the last Sunday of the Month for our Children’s Mass. Morning tea follows! The Children’s Mass is every last Sunday of the month during school terms.


VOCATIONS DISCERNMENT NIGHT— Vocations Dinner at Archbishop's House. Thursday 8 February 6pm. For men interested in discerning a call to the Priesthood. A hearty meal provided with insightful discussions. To rsvp please contact vocations director Fr Emil 0414 523 036.

What is a “Spiritual Communion?”

For various reasons throughout the Church’s history the faithful have been prevented from receiving the Eucharist in the Mass. Many of the great Saints made an act of spiritual communion in these moments. The Church encourages us to make such an act when we are unable to receive Communion in person, uniting ourselves to God through prayer and desire. It is a beautiful way to express to God our desire to be united with him when we are unable to complete that union in the reception of Holy Communion.

An Act of Spiritual Communion Prayer:

My Jesus,

I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at

least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly

to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You.



As our churches are not open for Masses due to Corona Virus, our weekend collections are not being taken up.  If you would like to contribute to the First Collection, you can make a direct transfer from your bank account. 

The First Collection is for the support of clergy in the parish and beyond.  Each priest in a parish draws a personal stipend from the first collection for living expenses, food and housekeeping.  Funds are also directed to:

·         Priests in parishes where the first collection is insufficient to meet their stipend

·         The support of the Archbishop, Vicar General and Chancellor

·         Priests in remote dioceses across Australia

·         Clergy Retirement Foundation (in support of sick and retired clergy)


Account Name:        CATHEDRAL

BSB:                           062-786

Bank Account:          000029248

Reference:                FORREST & SURNAME

The below web address can also be used to make a online payment directly to the First Collection via the Commonwealth Bank Bpoint payments.  This is a secure link for payments. 

The Second Collection, which includes the planned giving program, is the main source of our parish income. The second collection funds are used for the day to day running of our parish.  That is to pay for the repairs, wages, insurance, utilities and the many other expenses incurred to keep our parish functioning.  If you would like to give towards the Parish expenses and are not currently registered for Planned Giving, please deposit into the following bank account:

Account Name:  St Christopher's Cathedral

BSB: 062786

Bank Account: 000015080

Reference: - Planned Giving Number and Surname (only for current Planned Givers);  or

- Donation (for donations by parishioner's not registered Planned Givers).

Qkr App

An alternative way of making contributions to the parish is via the Qkr app.


At Saint Christopher’s Cathedral Parish

Is carrying cash no longer your style?

Join us in our trialing of Qkr! Similar to swiping your phone at an EFTPOS Machine you can now use our purpose-built secure parish app to contribute to our parish community. Payments for 1st (Clergy) & 2nd Collection (Parish) are listed. Please ensure you include your Planned Giving number for 2nd Collection contributions. Contact the Parish Office if you have forgotten your Planned Giving number on 62399846.

Caritas Project Compassion is also currently listed under “Special Appeals”. Details of the Appeal are listed within the App payment description.  

Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn Catholic Development Fund, with the assistance of the Commonwealth Bank and Mastercard, Sydney.


St Christopher's Catheral Parish Office
Ground Floor 55 Franklin Street Forrest ACT 2603
© Copyright 2024 CG.ORG.AU