Canberra Inner North Catholic Community
Canberra Central Parish, St Brigid's & St Patrick's
Under the Care of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers
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2 Bancroft Street, Dickson ACT 2602
PO Box 900 Dickson ACT 2602
Fr Anthony Riosa SSS, Fr Renoir Oliver SSS, Fr Sebastian Luistro SSS
0416 823 447
Tuesday and Wednesday 9am to 1pm. Email or call Tuesday to Friday.

Parish Groups

Parish Caring Services

Reaching Out To Care Group
Elizabeth Baxter 62487664;
Elena Bunk 0450323712;
Delani Fonseca 0422 469 841;
Sr Genny Ryan 040 9811 352
Have you noticed or heard of someone in our community who is in need and you are unable to assist? If so please contact our Parish Care Team
Friday Prayer Group
6241 7042 for more information
Meets Fortnightly 10 - 11.30am Parish Hall

Church and Grounds Care and Maintenance

No items.

Parish Facilities for Hire

Please contact the office

Fundraising Activities

No items.

Parish Ministries

Roster Coordinator
Ros Wiley
Parish Finance Council
Bill Meani, Mike Kelly, Ray Toohey, Victor Dunn
Charismatic Prayer Group
Fridays 7.00pm to 9.30pm, St Brigid's Hall
Community of the Risen Lord Youth Ministry
3rd Saturday 3.45pm - 5.30pm for 13 to 20 year olds.
Parish Pastoral Council
Barbara Anderson, John Armitage, Catherine Bandle, Ann Collins, Fr Andrew Lotton, Shahandra Martino, Bill Meani, Fr Emil Milat, John Skene, Ray Toohey

Social Activities

Craft Group
Mary Boyle 0450 060 058
St Brigid's Hall - Every second Wednesday commencing at 1:00pm-4:30pm.
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