Canberra Inner North Catholic Community
Canberra Central Parish, St Brigid's & St Patrick's
Under the Care of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers
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2 Bancroft Street, Dickson ACT 2602
PO Box 900 Dickson ACT 2602
Fr Anthony Riosa SSS, Fr Renoir Oliver SSS, Fr Sebastian Luistro SSS
0412 128 038
Tuesday and Friday 9.30am to 1.00pm. Email or call anytime.

Parish News

Parish Survey Results

Delete 3 - DraftMassSurveyResults_4June2023.pdf
History of Canberra Central Parish

Delete 3 - History of Canberra Central parish.docx

Parish Newsletters

Sunday 22nd September 2024

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Delete 1 - 45 - 25 Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B.pdf
Sunday 15th September 2024

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Delete 1 - 44 - 24 Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B.pdf
Sunday 8th September 2024

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Delete 1 - 43 - 23 Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B.pdf
Sunday 1 September 2024

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

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Welcome to Canberra Central Parish

Parish Office Details

The Parish Office is currently open Tuesday and Wednesday 9.00am - 1.00pm. 

Please contact us at: (e) or (m) 0416 823 447.


We invite everyone to send us their email so we can keep you updated with our parish news via the weekly bulletin. Please email the parish

If you don't have an email address, please go to this link to read or download the Inner North Catholic Community Bulletin:

To view the Archdiocesan daily Mass online please go to


Mass Times

Sacraments & Devotions Times






Upcoming Events

No events.

St Brigid Church Canberra Central Parish
2 Bancroft Street, Dickson ACT 2602
St Patrick Church Canberra Central Parish
Donaldson Street, Braddon ACT 2612

No of Visitors

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