St Mary's Parish, Bungendore
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28 Turallo Terrace, Bungendore NSW 2621, Australia
Fr. Joshua Scott (Interim Administrator)
(02) 6238 1247; after hours
Wednesdays 10.30am to 5.00pm Thursday 9.00am to 3.30pm

Parish Groups

Parish Caring Services

No items.

Church and Grounds Care and Maintenance

No items.

Parish Facilities for Hire

St Mary's Hall
Please contact the Parish Office preferably by email and we will be able to supply you with detailed information
St Mary's Hall is available for hire on either a one-off or regular basis.
It has toilets, tables and chairs and a kitchen

Fundraising Activities

No items.

Parish Ministries

No items.

Social Activities

Social Sunday
Third Sunday of the month please linger after Mass and join us for morning tea and a chat in the Parish Hall.
Wednesday Mass Group
Join us after 9am Mass on Wednesday as we gather for a cuppa and chat in a local cafe.
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