St Mary's Parish, Bungendore
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28 Turallo Terrace, Bungendore NSW 2621, Australia
Fr. Sijo Jose
(02) 6238 1247; after hours 0470 110 189
online only


St Mary's -You are welcome here

A church is more than a building; it is a place where we come home and feel a sense of belonging and comfort and where we celebrate the seasons of our life and that of Christ's. Whatever season you find yourself in or whether it has been a while since you have visited, come back to church - you are welcome here!

Have you been away from church for a while or looking for Catholic resources? Check out our Mass times and come along to church.  

The Gospel of Jesus is undefined

the radical message that

you are loved


You aren’t too broken

You haven’t gone too far

You aren’t lost forever


What is broken can be healed

You can come home

The lost can be found


The dead can come alive again

through the same Jesus

who rose from the grave

And He’s only getting started!


Catholic Bookshop 6239 9888 or

Carricks Bookshop Braidwood 1800 813 022 or

Whatever the reason is for your return, you are most welcome.  How you choose to reconnect is up to you. If you feel that you need to update your “Catholic knowledge” then maybe you could join your parish Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) group. Whilst the RCIA is specifically for people wishing to be baptised or complete the sacraments (Communion and Confirmation) it is often the ideal place to update your knowledge and meet with other Catholics in a small group setting. Call the Parish office or send an email :-) 

Need Help? Vinnies (St Vincent de Paul) Emergency Relief Helpline 6282 2722

or Bungendore 0490 785 141

Queanbeyan  6234 7316


Church - opening hours and Masses

Please be mindful of respiratory etiquette. Masks are optional. Please use hand sanitiser available in the foyer.

Mass will be celebrated at 8:30am on Sunday and 9:00am on Wednesday & Friday. 

Rosary is prayed after Mass on Wednesday & Friday



Baptisms at St Mary's, Bungendore & St Joseph's Gundaroo

St Mary's baptisms will be held on Saturday at 10am by appointment.  

Gundaroo during 10.30am Mass 2nd or 4th Sunday 

Baptism request form is available for download under the application forms tab. 


Funerals & Weddings


Please contact Fr Sijo 0470 110 189


Please contact us 6 months prior to your wedding date to arrange an appointment and to lodge paperwork 



Parish Office

The Parish Office is currently closed but contactable by email:

Please email us on if you want us to include you in our mail-out of the bulletin and other interesting links.

Link to the Readings of Mass of the Day at Universalis


Link to Morning Prayer at Universalis


Upcoming Events


Next SOCIAL SUNDAY February 2025


Are you new here or haven't been for a while? Come and join us for a coffee and catch up after Mass! 

There is always something yummy on offer, so please feel welcome. 



The Parish of St Mary’s, Bungendore and the Archdiocese of Canberra-Goulburn are committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of children, young people and people at risk in our community. We endeavour to create safe spaces where we can have meaningful conversations with children and adults at risk about their safety. If you wish to discuss something with our Safeguarding Representative please talk to Sarah D or confidentially email: You may also wish to contact Maria Hicks (Manager) Institute for Professional Standards & Safeguarding 6239 9806 /
St Mary's Catholic Church
28 Turallo Terrace, Bungendore, NSW, 2621
© Copyright 2025 CG.ORG.AU