Bombala-Delegate Catholic Parish
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Queen Street, Bombala NSW 2632
Fr Mark Croker Parish Priest- Snowy Monaro Parishes and Fr. Kuriakose Chennelil Joseph "Kose' Francis
(02) 8331 7609 urgent messages 0428 190 759 Fr Kose: 0470 498 321
Postal Address: PO Box 186 COOMA NSW 2630


BOMBALA-DELEGATE CATHOLIC PARISH - IN THE MONARO MISSION Country of the Bidwell, Ngarigo and Yuin people

The first Catholics arrived in the area from 1826 as assigned servants (convicts). Scottish, Irish, and later German immigrants built up the presence from 1833. Father Patrick Newman was the first resident priest in 1864. Prior to this, priests travelled from Queanbeyan and Cooma. Churches were built in Bombala 1867 & 1942 (St Mary’s), Delegate 1877 & 1915 (St Joseph’s), Cathcart 1878 (St John’s) and Corrowong 1894 (St Peter’s). Schools opened in 1866-1886 (privately Catholic), Bombala 1886 and Delegate 1921. In 1888 the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, North Sydney (St Mary MacKillop) arrived and have provided continuous ministry for 133 years. Monaro & South Coast Parishes were transferred from the Sydney Archdiocese to Goulburn Diocese in 1917 and to the Archdiocese of Canberra-Goulburn in 1948. Our first priestly vocation was Fr Ernest Baragry who was ordained as a Missionary of the Sacred Heart in 1941. Delegate was a Parish in its own right from 1954-1972. 2008 saw the welcoming of the World Youth Day Cross & Icon and the Consecration of St Mary’s Church Bombala following repairs and restoration. St Joseph’s Church Delegate celebrated its Centenary in 2015.

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