Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th March
Monday 3rd: No Mass
Tuesday 4th:
10.30am Funeral Mass for Joseph Quigley
Adoration 4.00pm
Mass 5pm
Wednesday 5th: Ash Wednesday
Mass 9am & 6pm
Thursday 6th: Mass 9am
Friday 7th: Mass 9am
Saturday 8th:
Mass 5.00pm
Reconciliation: 3.30-4.30pm
Sunday 9th March: Mass 9.00am
St Bernards Parish
Fr Rex Curry
Batemans Bay
Tue - Holy Hour 4.00pm
Wed - Midweek Rosary 8.30am
In keeping with the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn, St Bernard’s Parish offers a Family centered, Parish based and School supported Sacramental Program.
Sacrament of First Reconciliation— Tuesday 8th April 5pm
Sacrament of Confirmation—Saturday 28th June 5pm
Sacrament of First Communion— TBC
First Reconciliation will be held in Term 1 for students in Grade 3 who are baptised and others in the Batemans Bay Parish who are eligible and coming from other schools.
ENROLMENT & INFORMATION EVENING - Thursday 13th February 5pm at St Bernard's Church
Commitment Masses: Weekend Masses Saturday 22nd February 5pm and Sunday 23rd February 9am at St Bernard's Church
Sacramental Retreat Day- Wednesday 26th March 9.30-2pm Carroll College
Family Catch-Up Evening with pizza - Thursday 27th March 5pm St Bernard's Church
First Reconciliation Celebration - Tuesday 8th April 5pm St Bernard's Church
Family Workbooks will be handed out at the Enrolment Evening with dates for return tba
For further information on the Sacramental Program please contact
Fr Rex Curry on 0407 068 413
Sacramental Coordinator Roslynne Trompp 4472 4153
St Bernard's Primary REC Rebecca Keough 4472 4446
The Parish Bulletin will be emailed weekly and printed copies are available in front of the Church
Should you need to contact Fr Rex for any Spiritual and Pastoral Care needs,
please ring the parish office on 44724153
Monday 4th December - Sunday 10th December
Monday 4th: No Mass
Tuesday 5th: Mass 5pm
Adoration 4pm
Wednesday 6th: Mass 9am
Thursday 7th: Mass 9am
Friday 8th: Mass 9.15am
Saturday 9th: Mass 6pm
Reconciliation 4.30-5.30pm
Sunday 10th: Mass 9am